Thank you for your interest in applying to be a part of The Scouted Studio's Spring Art Showcase

What is it?

The Showcase is a chance for new artists from across the United States to show off one piece of their work on our website for two weeks. We encourage you to apply with spring-themed work.
If selected, we will list your piece on the site for sale and to be promoted through our channels. 
Submit by March 8th. Acceptances will be announced March 12th.
The Show Runs from March 25th - April 8th.

How to apply:

We require all submissions to be sent through an email to with the subject line "Spring Showcase Submission".  Please send the following and note that you are applying specifically for the showcase. 
  • The single piece you want included in the show. Include price, dimensions and any other relevant information. 
  • your biography and/or resume
  • any relevant social media pages
Thank you for your submission!